Nuestros servicios
120 dólares estadounidenses

El Ing. Irving Merino ha desempeñado un excelente trabajo a lo largo de su carrera, y siempre esta dispuesto a ofrecer asistencia. El es un valioso recurso para cualquier compañía.
Miguel A. Mora / JR&D Cad Specialist Interior at Volkswagen of America, Inc(Bertrandt US)
Sergio has a great knowledge in processes of manufacture of electroplating; During the last 13 years he has participated in different Electroplating processes in Mexico besides transfer of US to Mexico as well as the achievement of projects of continuous improvement to streamline these processes; As well as second source projects and cost savings. It has courses from the AESF association in the US. Great commitment, dedication and leadership, as well as excellent teamwork.
Arnoldo Fuentes / Plating Manager at Littelfuse
Hello, I know Irving Merino since 2 years ago, during this time he Works as electroplating engenieer in littelfuse and he was my internal supplier. He demostrate knowlege about electroplating process, problem solving with a systematic approach and always a service actitude.
Sergio Fernández / BU Piedras Negras Plant Manager en Littelfuse